Relax your vision. You work hard but your eyes don’t have to.


Single Vision Lenses for a Digital Lifestyle.

These days it is common for our eyes to become tired from repeated close-up viewing for long periods of time like reading your favourite news site in the morning, or zooming with your co-workers for hours a day. Our eyes spend more time reading and at closer distances than they ever did.


There is a lens design called the "Relax" lens, which is a normal single vision lens with a subtle boost of magnification power in the bottom third.  (Some brands will call this type of lens the "Anti-Fatigue" or "Accommodation Assistance" lenses.  They all have a similar relax effect).  This design lessens the strain off of your eye muscles to reduce fatigue, blurry vision and headaches - especially by the end of the day, and pairs well with a blue light filter.

And these lenses aren’t just for reading!  They are ideal for crafting, doing homework, studying, gaming, art, zooming, gardening, photography, baking, knitting…


Whether you have a prescription or just want eyewear that reduces digital eye strain, these lenses are for people aged 18-45 that spend a lot of their day working up-close.  The Relax lens has 3 versions, each carefully designed to provide you with the additional boost you need based on your age group for today’s visual habits.  It doesn't need to be prescribed so we can choose the best power with you, but the breakdown generally works best like this:

  • Age 18-29 = Relax +0.50

  • Age 30-39 = Relax +0.65

  • Age 40-45 = Relax +0.80

Give your eyes the rest they deserve and improve your visual performance with a Relax lens.

EMAIL US with any questions!


WRITTEN BY: Sara Moshurchak
IMAGE by: Prostock-Studio