Sun Lenses - Tinted or Polarized?


How to choose the best sunglass lens type?

The sun is starting to shine more often and sunglasses are top of mind. I can tell you from personal experience that a pair of prescription sunglasses is the best treat for yourself! As well as looking stylish, a great pair of prescription sunglasses will provide comfort from the intensity of the sun and protect you from prolonged exposure to UV light. Even on overcast days, sunglasses can be helpful because UV still comes through the clouds.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect pair of shades, it can be tough to decide on what type of sunlens is best for you. There are 2 options for sunglass lenses: tinted or polarized. One isn’t better than the other – it really depends on what you will be using them for.

Tinted Lenses:

Tinted lenses have been dipped in pigmented dyes and help reduce the brightness and discomfort from the sun and glare.  The great thing about a tinted lens is that the tint colour and density can vary.  You can have your lenses tinted dark if you are outside a lot, or get a lighter lens with a funky colour for a cool pair of fashion shades.


  • Available in a variety of many colours and densities.

  • Great for active lifestyles or sports.

  • Easy to see digital devices and navigation systems.

  • Has 100% UV protection.


  • Doesn't eliminate reflected glare.


Polarized Lenses:

Polarized lenses eliminate reflected glare that bounces off a surface like water, snow, ice and chrome.  There is a special filter layer in the lens where the molecules are lined up to block horizontal light, so only light coming in vertically is let through.

Polarized lens comparison on water

Polarized lens comparison driving on wet pavement


  • Removes reflected glare which makes them ideal for water and snow sports and activities.

  • Minimizes eyestrain by eliminating the need to adjust to the glare from different reflections. Less glare, less fatigue, more comfort.

  • Great for driving.

  • Has 100% UV protection.


  • Difficult to read digital LCD screens like those on navigation systems, ATM machines and cell phones.

  • Not ideal for some activities or sports where you need to see water traps and icy spots - it's the reflected glare that shows where the water and ice are, so eliminating that can affect performance.  

  • The same goes for icy patches on the roads if you do a lot of winter driving.

  • Available in limited colours - usually grey, brown or grey-green.

We can help you choose the best lens type for your sunglasses.  The best solution is to have a variety to choose from in your collection.  Book an appointment to come and see our latest sunglass styles and chat with us about lens options. 

WRITTEN BY: Sara Moshurchak